Lame Duck Legislation Report
Thank you for helping us fight dangerous bills in the House and Senate up to the end of 2024. Look below for all the bills that failed to pass. It’s always important to make your voice heard! All it takes is a call or email to your representative or senator.
HB 6068 Radical Sex Education Revamp — DID NOT PASS
This bill would have dramatically overhauled sex education curriculum in 3,000 K-12 public schools.
HB 6091 Civil Rights Act Expansion — DID NOT PASS
This bill would have muzzled free speech and religious expression by targeting so-called “harassment.”
HBs 6077 & SB 1082 Pregnancy Resource Center Censorship — DID NOT PASS
This bill would have targeted Pregnancy Resource Centers with unnecessary censorship, drastically reducing their ability to serve women, especially in urban areas.
HBs 6034-6035 Library Bills — DID NOT PASS
These bills would have protected explicit material in libraries by removing local control.
HBs 4156 & 4440 National Popular Vote — DID NOT PASS
These bills would have bypassed the electoral college which our founding fathers established and given urban centers incredible power to decide elections.
Other policies that failed to pass include:
- $25 billion of new pension debt
- Driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- Various new taxes
- Early release for violent felons
- $10 million to add tampons to boys bathrooms
- Relabeling prostitution as “commercial sex activity”
- Double the cost of marriage licenses
- New gun bans
- Higher auto insurance rates
- …and more!
For even more bills, check out these two summaries by Michigan Chamber of Commerce and Michigan Townships Association.
Why we track legislation
CTV strives to keep you informed and involved. We advocate for the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, family values, religious freedom, limited government, and more. We’re constantly monitoring legislation and communicating with legislators and government leaders, seeking to provide a unified voice for Judeo-Christian values.
Full list of bills to watch out for
Hear about a concerning bill? Let us know by calling or emailing us.
Religious Freedom
We Support
H.B. 4345: This bill would clarify that protections for “sexual orientation” and “gender identity and expression” in the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) do not apply for religious organizations when they are acting according to their sincerely held religious beliefs. CTV supports this bill. It’s currently in committee.
We Oppose
Hate speech bills H.R. 4474 and HB 4475. These bills are in violation of the right to free speech as given in the First Amendment. They would allow the government to charge Michigan citizens for speech crimes at their whim, opening the door to rampant abuse in the legal system. The proposed language violates the First Amendment and is a clear attack on religious liberty. To view our testimony, CLICK HERE. Even after the recent changes made, they are still just as dangerous and just as unconstitutional. For an in-depth explanation by David Kallman (Senior Legal Counsel for the Great Lakes Justice Center), CLICK HERE. These bills passed the House and are now in the Senate.
Family & Health
We Support
We Oppose
Legalizing physician assisted suicide — SB 681 would allow individuals to request assisted suicide by method of prescription drugs. This violates the sanctity of life and opens the door to systematic abuse. Life should always be protected until natural death. We are monitoring this legislation.
We Support
We Oppose
The State Board of Education’s intent to regulate homeschooling (read their letter here). Michigan law is already clear on this issue. “It is the natural, fundamental right of parents and legal guardians to determine and direct the care, teaching, and education of their children.” (MCL 380.10). We stand by this right and will fight against any infringement of it.
We Support
The comprehensive pro-life bill package of H.J.R. C, H.B. 4683, H.B. 4684, H.B. 4685, and H.B. 4686. This would reverse Proposal 3, restore the 1931 abortion ban, restore a ban on the sale of prescription abortion pills, restore a ban on advertising for abortion services, and establish criminal sentencing guidelines for those who violate the above. Even though it’s unlikely to pass, it serves as a model template for the ultimate goal of protecting life in Michigan.
We Oppose
Election Integrity
We Support
Election Integrity Reforms in Michigan: CTV supports any bills to better secure voter identification, absentee ballot issuance, and other practices to ensure honest elections across our state.
We Oppose

Elections Have Consequences
In 2023, we saw plenty of concerning bills and spoke out on your behalf. Click the button below for a summary: